Sunday, March 28, 2010

Keyword stuffing site.

Insert the meat-key is the intent of a particular word on a web page. This technique is Optimasi search engine web site promotion for adults. History entry input keywords in the history of more harassment, which use them. It was used as bait to catch more and more traffic to your web shovel ethical or unethical classification of the site.
Consider some cases --

enter keywords used to disguise the words are not relevant, such as background color for Web pages to their mountain nests soft.
This web content designers more complete words of the most intellectually didambakan as "sex", but has much to do with reason.
Some fans are full of art, as such, at the end of the day there are more words in page content and sites most closely resembles standard American tattoo.
Then suddenly one day, search engines like Google, MSN, fell heavily on the procedures and standards that provide excessive amounts of keywords, without any web designers and web pages took a fall.
This manual --
Destroyed in the frequency of practice of key skills.
Instead, change the keywords associated with topics related to the contents of the site.
Determines the extent of any keyword can diresapi, and also the place where they are full.
Fill 10% in the main post, first paragraph, completion and dissemination of media desirable to support adult sites. Attention is suitable for adults Stuffers web marketing, according to the basic concepts, such as search engines on the web using sophisticated equipment such as analyzers, density of keywords and not the engine was completely unintentional.

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